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Kunado Chronicles

Kunado Chronicles

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Kunado Chronicles Review

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About the Game
You wake up from cold sleep upside-down in a tree. Watch outIT'S THE FUTURE.
In a world destroyed by ineffable monsters with no hearts, but an iron will; in a society warped and shaped by the constant threat of ruin; the dragon is already dead: Help what's left of humanity learn how to live in this post-apocalyptic fantasy visual novel.


  • 20+ hours of story
  • Two branching routes
  • Japanese voice acting
  • Characters shaped by their world


2034 A.D.
That was the year when the metallic monsters known as Tekki appeared and wiped most of humanity out in their wake, and the accompanying failure of all metal-based equipment likewise accelerated the loss of technology and civilization. Soon, the only places where humanity could survive were in the small gaps between Tekki activity.

Since then, a thousand years have passed, and a single hero has at last struck a decisive blow against the heart of the Tekki menace.

The battle for the fate of humanity ended 100 days ago.
The only things left for the story that lies ahead are hope and happiness.

The stage is set in a country known as Kanto, home to some eight hundred empowered individuals and reminiscent in some ways of long-lost Japan. This nation of scrappy survivors has built its whole culture around the struggle for continued existenceand although that struggle is over now, the common citizens still cover their faces with fox masks and live as nobodies in the full sense of the word.

What do you mean by hope and happiness?
We don't know anything other than fighting.

One day a young man from a thousand years in the past is dug up, to become the protagonist of our tale. Just awoken from an unreliable cold-sleep hibernation, he finds himself missing his memory, but although uncertain who he is, he possesses the knowledge of ancient civilizations.

Pleasecan you promise me to join with us, and work to bring hope and happiness into this world?

In exchange for food, clothing, and shelter, he agrees to bring culture to the kingdom of Kanto, which might as well be a different world from our own.

Only after the fight for the fate of humanity does his story even begin.

This is a story of a strange new life,
of coffee shops and the paper-money economy,
about the qualities and struggles of a leader,
and it's about a girl who was nobody,
finding her feet and embracing a dream.

And it's about the life and the death of a hero.

But more than anything, this is a confession.


If you ask me to choose between talking and eating, I'm always going to choose eating.
As the bearer of the title of Ichi-no-Kami, she is the leader of the Eight Swords who hold authority in Kanto.
A charming and elegant princess, she possesses a curiosity rare in her kingdomand naturally, being a rare curious soul amidst such a rough folk, she finds herself fighting a lot of uphill battles.
She is loved by her people as a fair and just ruler; although trusted with power, she has never sought it.
Haruhime is internally a somewhat more timid and lonely individual than she lets on to the rest of the world, and doesn't always have the patience for less interesting tasks.
As she's constantly getting hungry, she keeps snacks stashed up her sleeves for consumption whenever she needs them.

Cool it, Kanto!
The protagonist of Kunado Chroniclesa young man who's spent a thousand years in cold sleep.
He possesses the ancient wisdom and customs of our own modern age, but due to technical issues with his hibernation, he has no personal memories of his own.
What he lacks in particular skills or a strong personality, he makes up for with innate adaptability and a talent for rational thought.
He also has a strong sense of hearing.
Shin attempts to convey his cultural and technological understanding to the kingdom of Kanto, but as its people are rougher and less refined than he's used to, he finds himself fighting an uphill battle.

Get ready to collapse when you see how strong we really are!
One half of the Ni-no-Kami of the Eight Swords, also known as Fuujin of the Gales.
Despite being the youngest of the Swords, she and her twin sister Aoi are together the strongest fighting force in Kanto.
Correspondingly confident and headstrong, Akane prefers to let her excellent instincts run on autopilot rather than thinking her way through her problems.
She nonetheless possesses a good and earnest heart, and tends to look after everyone in her orbit.
Everybody's cute older sister. Her favorite food is tofu hamburger.

If Sis says you're her enemy... Then you're my enemy too.
One half of the Ni-no-Kami of the Eight Swords, also known as Raijin of the Thunder.
Despite being the youngest of the Swords, she and her twin sister Akane are together the strongest fighting force in Kanto.
Even wilder than her sister Akane, Aoi is a berserker who finds the most satisfaction in battle.
She does pick up some of the thinking that Akane prefers to skip, but loves her older sister so dearly that she leaves the decisions to her.
Luckily, Aoi also enjoys the chaos that inevitably ensues. She's such an adorable agent of violence.

I want to see where you are going. The places you will reach.
Just an ordinary person. She's no one in particular.
Assigned to guard and look after Shin, her only power is exceptional physical strength, which doesn't go very far in battle.
Her primary purpose as far as Kanto is concerned is to serve Shin as a representative sample of the culture.
Her honesty and inflexibility also tend to make her the butt of jokes.
At first, she can barely stand Shin, but in time she becomes his greatest confidant.

Let's eat ricey balls. I agree with the coming together of rice into a neat shape.
Haruhime's elder sister and the hero of Kanto, now believed to be deceased.
She had the power to command the world itself with her words, creating matter from nothing as the ultimate user of the power known as Kotodama.
One hundred days before Shin awoke, she struck down one of the Kurokami that served as the lynchpins of humanity's oppression, freeing her peopleand being struck down herself in the process.
She has not been seen or heard from since.
The near-godlike abilities that she wielded made her into something else, inhuman, without the urges or emotions that drive her lesser brethren.


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