Coronavirus Updates Map ? Today Statistics in USA and World, COVID-19 Cases & Symptoms

Tracking coronavirus: Map, data and timeline

With almost 1.5 million confirmed cases of the new virus throughout the globe and nearly 70,000 deaths from the pandemic, the human cost of COVID-19 continues to rise. Even though Games Mojo is a video game review portal that presents itself as ‘nothing but gaming’, in a situation like we are now facing with COVID-19, our team feels obliged to keep you informed about the pandemic.


Our Coronavirus Tracker was created to provide you with the latest global numbers and numbers by country of COVID-19 cases on a daily basis. Furthermore, we are here to answer your most frequently asked questions about the new virus. The data we use have been meticulously collected from an array of official sources. In our turn, we urge you not to go outside and do your best to limit the risk of contracting the virus.

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Last updated: Wed, 17 Feb 2021 00:12:02 GMT Data from CDC, WHO, ECDC

2019-nCoV (Wuhan coronavirus) outbreak map

Coranovirus Cases

Coronavirus Cases by Country

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2019-nCoV Dynamics

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2019-nCoV Dynamics

Exposing COVID-19: Knowledge is Power

In 2019, a new coronavirus disease was found in central China. Cases of this infectious disease, later named as COVID-19, have since been reported across China and in many other countries of the globe. The disease is catalyzed by a novel member of the coronavirus family that has not been seen before. The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially designated the new virus a pandemic.

Coronavirus: Know Your Enemy

Coronavirus infects the lungs. Thus, in accordance with the WHO, the two most frequent signs are high temperature and a dry cough. These symptoms are often accompanied by chest pain, breathlessness, and other signs. We will elaborate on the COVID-19 signs and symptoms below.

Most patients with the COVID-19 virus get better without requiring special medical assistance. However, older people, as well as patients with underlying risk factors (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc.) are likely to suffer from health consequences so severe that they need hospitalization.

The true quantity of people with COVID-19 is a lot more shocking than the official stats reveal, for patients with mild to no symptoms are neither tested nor counted. At the time of writing, there are no vaccines or treatments for the virus. Therefore, when battling this invisible enemy, each of us must master the art of war (according to Sun Tzu) and break the enemy's resistance without fighting.

Coronavirus Symptoms and Prevention Guide

  • How can I identify the disease?

    Aside from such typical COVID-19 symptoms as high temperature and dry cough, patients with the virus may also suffer from headaches, runny nose, breathing problems, diarrhea, loss of smell and taste. As of writing, the full scope of COVID-19 signs and symptoms is still being investigated.

  • How can I save myself and my family from COVID-19?

    To protect yourself and your family from the new coronavirus, avoid leaving your home and attending public places. Only leave home for shopping and medical needs. Wash your hands meticulously. Touching your face is highly discouraged. If you’re feeling sick, isolate yourself and your loved ones. If you’re experiencing the aforementioned signs and symptoms, call your doctor now and follow their instructions.

  • Is there a cure or at least an effective drug for the new virus?

    As of writing, there’s no effective vaccine or cure for the new coronavirus. Nevertheless, people suffering from the disease should receive medical care to manage their symptoms and ease suffering. Patients with serious underlying medical conditions require hospitalization.

  • Will using a mask protect me from the virus?

    There’s a global lack of masks these days. Therefore, the WHO recommends that you approach the issue of wearing masks wisely. Don’t forget that disposable face masks can only be utilized once. Only use a mask if you’re experiencing COVID-19 signs or live with a sick person. If you’re neither ill nor in close contact with the ill person, then you’re simply wasting a mask.

  • Is there any difference between surgical masks and N95 respirator masks?

    Yes. Due to many gaps in it, a surgical mask is not the best for small virus particles. This type of mask is for people who are already sick and want to prevent others from getting sick as well. As for the N95 respirators, they are a lot more effective when it comes to COVID-19-proofness due to their material, shape, and tight seal. So if you’re seeking to protect yourself from COVID-19, then N95s are the best masks for the task.

  • How to use masks correctly and dispose of them properly?

    • Do not forget that only healthcare professionals, caretakers, and sick people should wear masks.
    • Stave off touching the mask with unwashed hands.
    • Start with washing your hands thoroughly. Then place the mask to your face and pull down its bottom for it to cover the lower part of your face.
    • When you’re through using it, take off the mask and discard it in a sealed container.
    • Wash your hands with soap and water immediately after touching the used mask.

  • What about the incubation period for the new virus? How long before the symptoms show up?

    The incubation period is the time frame between getting infected and becoming sick (i.e. displaying signs of the disease). The incubation period for COVID-19 ranges from 1 to 14 days. We will update these data as soon as more details surface.

  • Can I get it from my cat/dog?

    As of today, it is unknown if pets can spread the new coronavirus. The disease is transmitted via droplets produced when sick people cough, sneeze, or speak. For maximum self-protection, wash your hands like a champ and avoid going outside. We will update this section once new information in this respect becomes available.

  • How long does the virus live on surfaces?

    According to the recent reports, the COVID-19 virus lives on surfaces for up to five days. It depends on various factors, such as the surface details, climate, and level of humidity.

  • Is there anything else I should avoid doing?

    Yes. Remember that the following actions will do you harm in terms of COVID-2019 prevention:

    • smoking
    • using more than one mask at a time
    • taking antibiotics without discussing it with your doctor
    If you’re experiencing the aforementioned COVID-19 symptoms, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

COVID-19: Prevention Is the Best Cure

  • Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds is paramount.
    Here’s why: it helps you get rid of viruses that may have set up their temporary residences on your hands.
  • Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette are vital.
    Here’s why: if you don’t use a tissue (or your elbow) to cover your face when sneezing, you may infect other people. If people around you don’t follow these simple respiratory hygiene rules either, chances are high they will pass on their viruses to you.
  • Maintain up to 3 feet distance with people who are displaying the COVID-19 signs.
    Here’s why: when a person displays signs of the disease, they spread tiny liquid particles from their nose or mouth. Potentially, these particles may contain the virus. If you don’t keep the distance, you run the risk of breathing in the droplets, possibly along with the COVID-19 virus.
  • Do not touch your face.
    Here’s why: you touch multiple surfaces throughout a day, some of which can be contaminated with the new coronavirus. Once contaminated, your hands will transfer COVID-19 to your eyes, nose, or mouth. As a result, you will get sick.
  • Use official sources to read as much about COVID-19 as you can.
    Here’s why: knowledge is a powerful tool in COVID-19 prevention. If you want to access the most reliable data, make sure you refer to the official sources only. The information presented here is based on the WHO recommendations on the new coronavirus, by the way.
  • If you’re not feeling well, seek medical guidance immediately.
    Here’s why: calling your healthcare provider asap will enable them to immediately direct you to the right hospital.


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