VenusBlood FRONTIER International Cheats
As VenusBlood FRONTIER International cheats haven’t been revealed yet (even if they exist), we don’t have any to offer. We have explored forums and chats, social media groups and boards, and no secrets were revealed.
Instead we can offer you a patch that can enable the 18+ content of the game. The original version is quite appropriate for most ages, though it’s loosely based on Scandinavian mythology that implies lots of violence and sex. Do it the following way:
- Install the original version of the game.
- Download the official patch.
- Copy archived files “extra.xp3" and "extra2.xp3” into the directory together with the file named “VBFI.exe”. If in trouble, use the Windows search to locate it.
That’s all. As you launch the game, the launcher detects the patch files. If it all went properly, you’d see that the game version (lower left corner) shown as the game loads displays the “EN-R” warning. As the patch is released officially, there should be no technical issues.
This way, you turn it from Marvel to Game of Thrones (in terms of adult content). But there is no way back. Formally there is, but if you unpatch the game, your saved files probably will become unopenable.